Latest News

Ann Devlin

Cancer Maverick Devlin – see how she beat cancer

Eye opening cancer meeting attended Wed 27th August

I have just been to a cancer meeting this evening with a keynote speaker who is a professor of Immunology in cancer.

Click here to see the full story


Wake up to Health Seminar video now online and free to watch

Video of Active Cancer Therapy Support’s ‘Wake Up to Health’ Seminar held on the 30th July 2014  at the Richard Herrod Centre, Foxhill Road, Carlton, Nottingham. The meeting featured Dr Patrick Kingsley, Aaron Davidson and Robert Olifent all sharing their knowledge and experience to inspire and encourage people in natural principles of healing.

Please share with others.


Book sales have gone beyond our wildest expectation.

The feedback from customers about our book ‘Do You Want to Know What We Did to Beat Cancer’ has been amazing and we have been overwhelmed by the response, having sold out of our first print run already.

Our printers have been very good and said that they will pull out the stops to produce the second run as quickly as possible to limit people having to wait to long. We should have the second batch of books from our printers by the beginning of next week.

As soon as we receive the books from the printer we will ship the back orders as a priority.

Please accept our apologies for the slight delay and if there is anything we can do to help in the meantime please feel free to get in touch.

See our up and coming workshop/seminars at:

For those who have placed orders recently we thank you for your patience.

Kind regards


Susan & Robert  Olifent

To place an order for our book go to the following page link:




Were in the news…

Sue and I are very excited at the moment as our story is being featured within an excellent monthly magazine called; What Doctors Don’t Tell You. The featured article will run along side the launch of our newly published book, ‘Do You Want to Know What We Did to Beat Cancer’ which can be purchased from the Mustard Seed Book shop, 2 Main Road, Gedling, Nottingham or directly from our website;, priced £10.99 plus p&p.

The magazine WDDTY can be purchased from many major outlets like WHSmiths, Morrisons etc. You can subscribe by going to the following link: