Active Cancer Therapy Support
‘Our Passion’
To support people diagnosed with cancer in whatever way we are able in mind spirit body and soul. To share our experience of what we chose to do when told there was no hope.
- To host our free ‘Wake Up to Health’ seminars, sharing health empowering knowledge.
- To take the pressure off our crumbling NHS through teaching dis-ease preventative strategies.
- To give a platform for sharing personal healing testimonies in order to inspire, encourage and offer hope to others.
- To open discussion on the many and varied ways of empowering the health, wellbeing and healing potential of a person.
- To educate about many cancer causing influences and to empower people to turn from and restrict these causational factors according to PubMed Library of Medicine.
- To support quality of life
- To bring care, love, positivity and support where there seems none.
- We offer our prayers for healing in our Lord Jesus name to those who would like prayer..
“We share Sue’s personal healing journey and
the natural principles we put into place in our
endeavour to change the bodily environment from one
that supported cancer, to one that cancer struggled to
thrive on many levels”
Click here for further details of our
‘Free monthly inspirational talks/seminars’
Lifestyle Coaching, Supporting
You on Your Journey Back to Health
Healthy lifestyle coaching for people with cancer to support the whole person
What does it cost? Free, or by voluntary contribution
Where do we coach? Phone, Skype, Facebook live, or in person
(Contributions to what we have freely given can be made to support us to support you. Just as an indicator how much would you pay an hour for a main dealer mechanic?)
“We endeavoured to wreck the bodily environment that cancer needed to thrive”
Taking out all known inflammatory and toxic influences, detoxifying and flooding the body with scientifically documented natural anti cancer herbs, spices supplements and nutrients to empower the immune system and body to be healthy.
What started our journey of discovery?
My mother, father were diagnosed with cancer and they took medical advice and treatment, but died within three weeks of each other in 2008. Sue’s father died of starvation due to treatment that radiated his throat preventing him from eating. Something seemed so wrong in what we witnessed with our parents and the many contradictions, time delays and things that simply made no sense. This prompted me to research into what we now view as ‘the cancer business’.
What we found, left a bitter taste as the further we researched the more concerned we became. How can we truly empower people to heal when the medical system advises to continue doing the things that led up to the formation of cancer in the first instance on many different levels?
The term quackery was formulated by the allopathic medical system to discredit what they term as unqualified, unscrupulous naturopathic doctors from giving health advice to sick people. Naturopaths look to address problems within the body be dealing with root cause and rebalancing the system. Allopathic medicine tend to treat symptoms of disease through drugs, treatments and surgeries leaving causational factors unaddressed.
It occurred to me that by allopathic medicines own definition they are actually guilty of quackery. What do you mean, you might ask? Oncologists have no training whatsoever in nutrition, so by advising cancer patients on foods to eat they have no foundation to give good advice, yet they vehemently give advice. QUACKERY!!!
You will see below a PubMed Library of Medicine peer reviewed study which details causational factors for cancer. The study lists diet and obesity up to a whopping 50-55% in its causation to cancer. The study goes on to list alcohol 5-6%, so we are now up to 61%. It then lists infections as being 15-20%, but ask yourselves how is it that we become more prone to infections? A poor immune system! How do we get a poor immune system? Poor diet and lifestyle. We are now getting up to 70%. Then we consider smoking, but is this not lifestyle and diet as we consume the smoke? We are now up to 90-95% cancer is caused by diet and lifestyle. To not address these is issues seems ludicrous in the extreme.
Dietary guidance from oncologists includes processed foods, bacon, sausages, sweets, chocolate bars, crisps, donuts, microwaved food, ice cream, biscuits, ready meals, fizzy sugary drinks, chips. At best this is hardly convalescent foods to inspire health on a cellular level. At worst could it be feeding the progression of inflammation and dis-ease with promoting processed high sugar, chemical laden ‘food like products’?
We came to have a passion to freely share health empowering knowledge. Surely If we are to maximise the potential of healing then does it not make sense that we have to switch off as many of the cancer causing factors as possible in our current lifestyle and diet, is this not logical? To endeavour to heal by having treatments alone seems like trying to dry your self off whilst still in the shower, but with far more serious consequences.
PubMed Study
Cancer is a Preventable Disease that Requires Major Lifestyle Changes
Published online 2008 Jul 15. PMCID: PMC2515569
Diet: 30-35%
infection: 15-20%
Obesity: 10-20%
Alcohol: 5-6%
Tobacco: 25-30%
Other: 10-15%
Genetic: 5-10%
We are now witnessing many people choosing to incorporate natural principles who are living positively through the cancer experience. We also share the testimonies of people who tell us they are cancer free or living well with cancer far beyond their prognosis. We encourage these people who have positive experiences to share their testimonies at our free seminars no matter what methods they have incorporated.
There can be nothing more inspiring and encouraging to people with cancer than to meet and speak with numerous people who have had positive experiences following their cancer diagnosis. This is often through their taking an active part in their healing journey, whether integrated, complimentary or fully natural route.
We warmly invite you to come along to our free ‘Wake Up to Health’ seminars, to learn what we have the power to influence in order to stack the odds in our favour.
We have no products to sell
Yes you heard that right, one person in two! Are we really winning the war on cancer like the mainstream media promotes and would have us believe?
Do You Want to Know What We Did to Beat Cancer
Click photo
We welcome the opportunity to speak to groups or organisations that have a heart to help people. We share Sue’s story of where we were, where we are now and the principles of how we got there. Consider the following quotation and then read it back to yourself again:
“If you do not switch off the many and varied causational factors of cancer how can we expect to truly heal?” Robert Olifent
Click here to support us:.
If you are able and would like to support us to support you in our ‘Wake Up to Health’ campaign and lifestyle cancer coaching you can make a contribution to what you have freely received. Just click the contribution link below which will take you to the contributions page of our website.
God bless
Robert & Sue xx
Thank you for supporting us to support you.